Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Entry #1

What is the climax of this novel? What happens? How do the events of this novel make you feel?

The climax of this novel is when Napoleon kicks Snowball off the farm with his the dogs that he raised and declares that the power to make decisions for the farm will be made by the pigs only. Napoleon kicked Snowball off the farm because Napoleon feared that Snowball will become the leader instead of him.

Throughout the events in the novel, I felt special, annoyed, and confused

The event from this novel that made me feel very special was when the pigs mistreat other animals. This part of the novel indirectly talks about racism. This is a topic that I am really interested and wish it would stop. One example is that the pigs are like white people while the other animals are black. This may be changed though. It depends on where you live. For example, if a white is living in a black society, the blacks would be the pigs. I felt special throughout this part of the novel because no one is really racist in our school.

The event in the novel that made me feel annoyed was when the windmill, that the animals were making, is always broken down by something. The part of this event made me annoyed because the animals were working really hard to fix it but it was broken down again.

The selfishness of the pigs also made me annoyed. I can't believe how someone can be so unfair. I also learned, after reading the book, that the pigs were imitations of actual people living during the Russian Revolution.

The event in the novel that made me confused was the conclusion. I didn't understand the conclusion. It said that the animals couldn't tell the difference between the pigs and the people. Is this talking about the phisical appearance or mental appearance? For example, is this talking about how the pigs dressed up as human beings so it was hard to tell the difference or the pigs act like human beings so they can't tell the difference.


Anonymous said...

I agree with you that this part of the book was pretty strong and emotional, but I think that the climax of this story is when the pair of aces come out in the last part of the book. That is the part where I think that conveys powerful meaning. However, I am not saying that i disagree with this post. Well done.