Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Entry #6

What was the reason of the rebellion? Who caused it? Do you think it was a good idea?

The reason for the rebellion was because of equality. Old Major (the boar) mentions that the animals are not treated equally. He talks about how they weren't being treated equally. Major talks about how the animals were being the slaves of the humans. He also talks about how he had a dream. He dreamed of a world without the humans. Life for the animals would have been without tyranny. The animals would be well fed, happy, and treated well. Major then starts trying to persuade them saying that four legs are good and two legs are bad. Then the animals are finally persuaded. They rebel with surprise and Mr. Jones is kicked out of the farm.

The animal that caused this rebellion was a boar. The boar's name was Old Major.

I don't think this rebellion was a good idea. The reason is because the animals weren't prepared for it. Out of all the animals, Boxer was the only one prepared. The animals were just like African colonies. They couldn't think for themselves. They always listened to the pigs.


Anonymous said...

I will have to say that I disagree with this post. The main point of the rebellion that Old Major thought out was for the rights of animals. It was just that the whope procedure of the rebellion was gone out of control with the collision between the pigs. But I still like your thoughts. NICE!

Anonymous said...
