Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Entry #4

What is the major theme of this novel? Why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

The major theme in this novel is that knowledge brings equality and control over the ignorance. Throughout the novel, the pigs who are the most intelligent, have control over other animals. Among the pigs, Napoleon was the smart leader that manipulated all the other animals with the help of Squealer. Napoleon shows this manipulation by consistently changing the seven laws to his own benefits. For example, when he starts sleeping in a bed, he changed the commandment to "All animals shall not sleep in beds with sheets." The other animals, not being able to understand any of the strange behaviors of the pigs, simply agree to Squealer, who justifies every action Napoleon makes. Therefore, knowledge bringing power to oneself is one of the major themes in the novel.

This theme is extraordinarily important and relevant to a teenager living in 2007 because this shows that having knowledge and understanding is the key to success. I mean success as in the ultimate "goal" of every human being's life. For example, one goal is money. To make money you have to be smart. The reason is because if you are smart, you will go to a good college. Then, there is a high possibility that you will get a good job. Just like this example, having a lot of knowledge leads to your goal.


Apple Gum said...

I quite agree with your opinion about what the theme of this story is. However, I have an extra opinion. It's not a disagreement, but my own addition to the theme you have come up with.

Sure, knowledge can bring equality and control over the ignorance. Additionally to that, I think knowledge over others can bring greed.

I'm not saying any kind of greed, but it is a certain greed that belongs to the core of everybody. I personally think that this is part of the 'beast' within us, mentioned from the Lord of the Flies. It's one of the main parts of a dystopian world: the longing to be better than others, and to be selfish. When this wish comes true to a person or being, than dystopia happens as that certain existance abuses its knowledge and powers for the good of itself only.

I don't think I'm very right, but this is the general idea I got about the theme from this book.

DK9302 said...

I think I agree with you on your opinion on knowledge. Those who have it can rule and those who don't can't. Although the part about becoming a bit greedy was a little broad but overall true .We are all human, once we get a taste of power and we don't have a strong sense of self- control, there is nothing to stop somebody from becoming greedy. THis was also one of the major themes of the book because that was exactly what had happened.

2hanl2da said...

I somewhat agree what you wrote about knowledge. Although I personally thought the main theme of this novel was the power and its corruption, I would like to say your theme would be right if you were considering in Napoleon’s point of view. However, I did not think George Orwell wanted to convey knowledge as a main message.

Don't you think Napoleon was more like a powerful leader rather than using intelligence to bring equality and control over the common animals?

Yes, people who have great knowledge can rule over it.

Anyways, a nice post dude! :)