Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Entry #3

Who are the main characters in the novel? Do you like them? Why or why not? What is special about them? What do they reveal about the universal human experience? There are four main characters in the novel. They are Snowball, Napoleon, Old Major, and Boxer.

Out of these four characters, I only like one. The one and only character I like is Boxer. Boxer was the horse whose incredible strength, dedication, and loyalty play a key role in Animal Farm. He helped build the windmill. Boxer was quick to help but stupid. He shows much devotion to Animal Farm’s ideals but lacks the ability to think about them independently. He ignorantly trusts the pigs to make all his decisions for him. Even though Boxer was a bit stupid, I liked how he kept on working hard, especially his mottoes that was “I will work harder.”

I hate the other three characters because they are like the "villains" in this novel. Out of those three, I hate Napoleon the most.

There is one reason I hate Napoleon. The reason is because of his trickery. He tricks all the other animals. First of all, he changes the seven commandments every single time for his own benefit. In the beginning, when the commandments were made, animals weren't allowed to sleep on human beds. Then later Napoleon starts sleeping in beds. He then changes the commandment to "All animals shall not sleep in beds with sheets." The second trickery he does is about the supply of food. He says that he will take care of it but the pigs and he eat it all. Napoleon gives the other animals very little food. Third and lastly, he betrays the other farm animals. When the commandments were made, there was a commandment that said “Four legs good, two legs bad.” This made all the farm animals safe, but later Napoleon became friends with humans and changed the commandment to “Four legs good, two legs better!"
Overall, I hate Napoleon because of his trickery.

There is one reason why I hate Old Major. The reason is that he gave false hope. He gave the animals hope that they would be free. He was wrong. This led the animals to misery. This made them lose trust. The reason is because of Old Major, only the pigs became treated fairly by humans. The other animals were treated the same way they were in the beginning.

I also hate Snowball because of his greed. He was like a miniature Napoleon. He tried to gain more power than Napoleon but failed. He should had controlled his greediness and stayed under Napoleon. It would have been better than being chased of Animal Farm by the dogs Napoleon raised.

These characters reveal that there are many people out in the world that are greedy, give false hope, untrustworthy, and hard working.


Anonymous said...

phew.... there were lots of characters in this book. They seemed to represent each differnt types of individuals in our society. I was surprised to observe some personalities that matched with some of my friends. Personally, I liked Napoleon as a powerful leader, not by his personalities. I think that you described the main characters well in this post.