Wednesday, March 5, 2008

What is the mood of this novel? Does it sadden you in any way? How?

The mood of the novel is usually sadness. The reason is because Ender is separated away from his family at a young age. He couldn't even meet his parents after going to battle school. The only person he met was Valentine, his sister. My second reason is because Ender was forced to do many things he wasn't supposed to do. For example, he fought with a guy because the teacher sort of made him to. Another example is that Ender killed a guy. He didn't mean to. If the teachers didn't leave him alone there wouldn't have been a fight and that guy would have still been alive. The teachers made Ender's life miserable. That is the main reason the novel's mood is sadness. If the teachers didn't help Ender and give him pressure, other people wouldn't look at him weird. The other people at the battle school hated him because the teachers compared him with others.

The second reason the mood of the novel is sadness is because of the games. As Ender played the games in battle school, there were many conflicts. The first was his first commander getting angry at him for not listening to his commands. The commander looked down at Ender because he was small. The second conflict was when people bigger than Ender tried to hurt him. They were angry because they lost a game because of him. The third conflict is when Ender becomes a commander and beats another team. The opponent commander got mad so there was a fight. Ender won. He actually killed the opponent.

My third reason is that Ender was tricked by the teachers. Whenever the teachers thought that Ender was weak, they would ask his sister for help. His sister refused but they forced her so she had no choice. Ender knew that Valentine was being forced. This is what makes it sadder. This shows Ender that he cannot give up. If he does they will use his family again, especially Valentine.

Yes, the novel saddens me in two ways.

The first reason is because of Ender. Ender is isolated from earth. He cannot return to earth on his own. He can only return when there is a certain reason. The only time he returned to earth was because he had to go to command school. He later on couldn't return to earth at all. He is also separated from his family. He is especially separated from the one and only person that cares about him. Valentine.

My second and last reason is because of Valentine. Valentine is separated from the one and only person that she cares about. Her younger brother, Ender. She also tries to help Ender but it doesn't work out. Also later on she is forced to do things that the people of the battle school ask her to do. They all got something to do with Ender.


Deez K. said...

i agree!!
sadness is the key emotion that Ender felt throughout the whole book!! He overcomes it later in the book and uses his feelings towards things without being pushed around or told to do so, it was himself who stood up :)
neat post!!